Our Church, Our Community, Our World


Investing in others allows us to share God’s love by following Jesus’ example of serving, demonstrates our faith, and serves the needs of God’s people. We all have abilities that have been given to us to build up the church so the world will come to know the love of God. Volunteers are simply using their gifts for this purpose. Choose an opportunity below to let us know you’re interested.

Top NeedServing Our Church OKC

Care & Support Ministries

Care for our community by providing support through Congregational Care, CareSeries, and Celebrate Recovery.

Top NeedServing Our Community OKC, Community Center

Crossings Community Center

Help meet the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of the inner city of the Oklahoma City Community.  

Top NeedServing Our Community OKC, Edmond, Online, Community Center, Mayfair

Prison Ministry

The vision of Crossings Prison Campuses is to live by faith, be a voice of hope, and be known by love to the incarcerated. Our goal is for our members to have a church family in which to belong. 

Top NeedServing Our Community OKC, Edmond, Community Center, Mayfair

Crossings Community Clinic

The mission of Crossings Community Clinic is to humbly proclaim the message of Jesus by serving the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of the uninsured. The scope of Clinic services includes medical, dental, and vision healthcare provided by clinic staff, licensed professional volunteers, and other dedicated volunteers.

Top NeedServing Our Community OKC, Edmond, Community Center, Mayfair

Local School Partner

Starting in 2004 as an annual campus beautification event, the Crossings local school partner efforts have transformed to an ongoing, relational outreach where Crossings volunteers are in the schools interacting with students, teachers, and leaders.

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Local School Partner

School Partners

  • Eugene Field Elementary (Downtown OKC Area)
  • John Marshall Middle / High School (NWOKC)
  • Stanley Hupfeld Academy (NWOKC)
  • Sunset Elementary (Edmond)
  • James Monroe Elementary (Mayfair)
  • Light Christian Academy (NEOKC)
The relationships look different in each school; all have annual, monthly, weekly, and daily connection and impact.

Volunteer Opportunities

Opportunities to serve include:
  • One time opportunities: campus beautification, Christmas backpacks, test monitoring, teacher appreciation
  • Ongoing opportunities: tutoring, partnering with a teacher, leading a book club, mentor an individual student, serve at The Club after-school outreach.

Top NeedServing Our Community OKC, Edmond

Family Advocacy Ministry

The Family Advocacy Ministry exists to meet the needs of individuals and families in our community. This network of local partnerships, support gatherings, and educational forums, provides hope for the orphaned and marginalized child or family for restoration with Christ’s love offered by a caring church community.

Serving Our Church

Crossings Kids

Help kids find and follow Jesus as we partner with families to build a foundation of faith. Sunday and Wednesday opportunities are available from infants through 6th grade.

Serving Our Church

Guest Services

Help provide remarkable hospitality so each person at Crossings can find & follow Jesus. Opportunities include greeting, crosswalk helper, golf cart driver, guest host, and many more!

Serving Our Church

Crossings Students

Help students find and follow Jesus during some of the most formative years of their lives! Sunday and Wednesday opportunities are available from 7th through 12th grade.

Serving Our Church

Worship & Media Tech

Join the choir (at Crossings OKC) or be a part of the Media Tech team! These teams encompass all elements of the worship weekend experience: from on-stage to back-stage and everything in between.

Serving Our Church

Young Adults & Adult Ministry

Be a part of the team supporting our Sunday School, Young Adults, Singles, Married, Women's, Men's, Discipleship, Alpha, and Centered in various ways.

Serving Our Church

Serve Anywhere

Even as the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many. Matthew 20:28

Serving Our Community

Local and Global Missions

Crossings partners with various ministries in our city and world to care for vulnerable communities.

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Local and Global Missions

Serving Our Church

Holiday and Events

Help our guests feel loved and welcomed during holiday and other special event services.

Serving Our World

Casa de la Esperanza

Casa de la Esperanza's mission is to serve the children of Mexico who, for reasons not their own, find themselves orphaned, lost, abandoned, and abused. At Casa, they find a clean, safe, and loving Christian environment where they can begin to heal and recover from their experiences.

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Casa de la Esperanza
Mayfair Church of Christ faithfully served and supported Casa de la Esperanza for over 20 years, and we are grateful to continue this legacy through Crossings Mayfair.

Serving Our World


Enlace (pronounced en-lah-say, the Spanish word for link) has been equipping churches to transform communities since 1993, and it partners with local leaders to build resilient and thriving communities in El Salvador, Nepal, Guatemala, Nicaragua and the U.S.

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Over the next five years, Enlace will train over 4,330 local leaders from 173 churches to impact the lives of over 300,000 people in El Salvador, Nepal, Guatemala and Nicaragua.

Contact David at dmcgee@enlace.link or 405-226-3126

Serving Our World

Feed the Hunger

Feed the Hunger is a Christian ministry that equips vulnerable children with nutritious meals, Bibles, and school supplies. They use their reliable global partnerships to identify vulnerable children at risk of starvation or malnutrition and provides immediate nutritional resources while investing in their long-term success through education and spiritual growth.

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Feed the Hunger
Crossings partners with Feed the Hunger annually to host food-packing events across multiple Crossings locations. The meals packed at these events are distributed through Feed the Hunger partners who have established relationships in the areas of need.

Serving Our World

Heart 4 Lebanon

Heart for Lebanon comes alongside families living in despair by helping meet physical needs, providing access to education, and building relationships that introduce them to the hope that is found in Jesus Christ.

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Heart 4 Lebanon

In the midst of the growing crisis, God is moving in historic ways. More people are turning to Christ in the Middle East today than any time in history. Heart for Lebanon is taking full advantage of this unique season to reach and disciple men, women, and children—many of which have never heard the truth about Jesus. God is transforming lives and moving in a way that will reshape the country of Lebanon and the Middle East.

Contact Heart for Lebanon at info@heartforlebanon.org or 828-505-8432

Serving Our World


Mid-America Christian University (MACU) is a thriving private institution offering online, traditional, and hybrid degree and certificate programs for students. We believe everyone who desires to learn and follow God’s vision for his or her life should have the means to achieve it. MACU is dedicated to offering students a cost-effective and accredited education that is grounded in the love and service of Jesus Christ.

Serving Our World

Roatán Horizons

Roatán Horizons, Inc. provides Christian education to the people of Roatán, Honduras.

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Roatán Horizons

Samuel Raymond Christian School was born out of the prayers of the people in the Sandy Bay Car Wash neighborhood. Roatán Horizons, Inc. has worked with families in this neighborhood to provide quality Christ-centered education for the children since 2011.

Contact Traci at tracinyberg@cox.net 

Serving Our World


SAT-7 makes the Gospel available to people in the Middle East and North Africa with biblically-based television programs that cannot be censored—24 hours/day and 7 days/week. 

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SAT-7’s multimedia ministry focuses on 25 countries in the Middle East and North Africa, where nearly 97% of the 560 million people are non-Christian.

Contact SAT-7 at usa@sat7.org or 410-770-9804 

Serving Our World


Founded in Oklahoma by Dick & Terri Greenly, Water4 is a faith-based, non-profit with a vision to see a world where all people have access to safe and Living Water.

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Since 2008, Water4 has brought safe water to nearly 2 million people in Sub-Saharan Africa through nearly 7,000 water points.

God’s vision for the world is “Shalom,” also known as universal flourishing. Water4 sees water as a catalyst enabling communities to flourish for generations. They also see physical water as the entry point to Jesus as the Living Water. They are focused on long-term goals—including water services that are sustainable over many generations and also discipleship making that has a strong impact.

Contact Kacy at kacylowe@water4.org or 405-551-8214

Serving Our Community

BritVil Community Food Pantry

BritVil Community Food Pantry provides food to the hungry regardless of race, color, religion, or creed. The primary focus of this ministry centers on sharing God’s love by treating those who enter the pantry with respect and dignity.

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BritVil Community Food Pantry

Groups, families, youth and individuals are invited to participate in a variety of ways including:

  • Working a cookie and drink stand
  • Talking with parents
  • Participating in a food drive
  • Serving as the warehouse crew
  • Picking up food
  • Driving trucks
  • Providing donations

Specific needs:

  • Fill food orders on Monday-Friday mornings
  • Sort produce Monday-Friday mornings

Contact: Sue at BritVilfoodpantry@okccoxmail.com or 405.842.1275

Serving Our Community

Hope is Alive

Hope is Alive (HIA) provides Christ-centered mentoring homes for addicted individuals transitioning back into the world from treatment centers and correctional facilities. 

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Hope is Alive
Residents leave HIA equipped emotionally, professionally, spiritually, and financially along with a toolkit of life skills that enable them to contribute mightily to their respective communities.

Finding Hope (Family) Support Groups

Finding Hope is a support group for loved ones of addicts. Through these meetings, you’ll find education, inspiration, and a community of other loved ones who’ve been impacted by addiction. Each week, you will have the opportunity to learn more about addiction, find tools to help those you love, and discover hope to help yourself as you journey down this road to recovery.

  • Sunday Night Meal Provider
  • House Supplies Provider
  • Home Restoration/Improvement
  • Landscaping
  • Resident Transportation Assistance
  • Adopt-A-House Program
Contact us by email to volunteer. Contact Danny at Danny@hopeisalive.net or 405-822-5667 | Location

Serving Our Community

Mid-America Christian University

Mid-America Christian University prepares students through a Wesleyan perspective to create, collaborate, and innovate to solve local and global problems for the glory of God through Jesus Christ and the good of society.  

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Mid-America Christian University


Crossings supports Maps Outreach, which provides scholarships for students pursuing a career in ministry. Please contact us using our information below and explore our website for opportunities!

Contact MACU at 405-692-3134

Serving Our Community

Shepherds of Love Ministries

Shepherds of Love Ministries offer Christ-centered assistance to families in crisis situations. Shepherds of Love Ministries provides financial utility assistance, Bibles, other books of encouragement, greeting cards, and friendship counseling. 

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Shepherds of Love Ministries

The gospel of Christ is shared and prayer is offered with each caller.


  • Adopt a family’s utility bill for one month;
  • Prepare Utility Giving Tags;
  • Pray for families;
  • Participate in speaking engagements/visits to show a short video–we love to share our testimony!

Helpline: 405-348-5195 | Contact: schaun@shepherdsoflove.org or 405-348-1167 

Serving Our Community

Trinity Legal Clinic

Trinity Legal Clinic exists to answer God’s call to seek justice and mercy by providing free legal services to people of limited means in the Oklahoma City metro area. 

Serving Our Community


Wings is a special needs adult community that exists to enhance the lives of adults born with intellectual and developmental disabilities through social, vocational, and residential programming guided by principles of the Bible. 

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Currently Wings has 60 members, ages 18-62, who participate in a day program Monday-Friday.


Day Program Volunteer

Corporate Group - one-time serve
Civic Group - one-time serve
Social Club Volunteer
Wings Serves Deliveries
Restoration and Landscaping Team
Fall Festival Volunteer (September-October)

Serving Our Community

Joy Bible Study at Mabel Bassett

Joy Bible Study at Mabel Bassett was created for volunteers to be the hands and feet of Jesus and show women who are incarcerated at Mabel Bassett Correctional Center that God does indeed have a wonderful plan and purpose for their life—both while in and out of prison—and they are not forgotten. 

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Joy Bible Study at Mabel Bassett


Individuals are needed to be a part of or help lead Bible studies, to pray for and with the women, and to write or send cards. Just being present on a regular basis can make a big difference.

Contact Ruth at JRBoyd@cox.net or 405-302-1247 | Location

Serving Our Community

Living Free Bible Study - OKC Correctional Center

Living Free Bible Study exists to share the love of Christ with the church at Oklahoma City Correctional Center and offer biblical principles and strategies for successful transition back into society.  

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Living Free Bible Study - OKC Correctional Center


Volunteers with Department of Corrections approval are welcome weekly on Thursdays from 1:00-3:00 p.m. Our ministry team leads Bible study, worship, prayer, Scripture memorization, Bible trivia, and showers the women with lots of love and encouragement. Living Free also offers help, as needed, for transitional housing after release.

Contact Gloria at dgwinokc@sbcglobal.net or 405-245-1695 | Location

Serving Our Community

OKC Crafty Crusaders for Christ

OKC Crafty Crusaders for Christ meets monthly for prayer, fellowship, knitting, and crocheting to provide scarves, blankets, and other “made-with-love” items to local Christ-centered ministries such as the Crossings Clinic, City Rescue Mission, and the like.

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OKC Crafty Crusaders for Christ


Volunteer to knit or crochet items on your own, or meet every Wednesday, 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m., at the Crossings Community Center (10255 N Pennsylvania Ave, 73120).


Yarn donations of any color or size are needed. Drop off donations at the Crossings Community Center (10255 N Pennsylvania Ave, 73120).
For questions or more information, email missions@crossings.church.

Serving Our Community

Safe Families

Safe Families Oklahoma is part of a nationwide effort designed to support vulnerable children and parents in need. Christian families engage in the spiritual practice of biblical hospitality by opening their homes to children whose parents are experiencing a short-term emergency or crisis.

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Safe Families
Parents voluntarily allow their children to stay in safe, loving homes while they seek to restore stability in their lives. Typically, the assistance to these families lasts only a few months.

Crossings is leading this community initiative and is dedicated to providing family support, stabilization and, most importantly, preventing child abuse. You can learn more about Safe Families at safefamiliesok.org.


  • Host Family - opens their home to children on a short-term basis without compensation. The Host Family will also nurture an on-going relationship with the biological parents, becoming a spiritual extended family.
  • Family Coach - offers support and guidance to the host family while they have children in their home and helps the biological family access the resources and support they need to regain stability.
  • Family Friend - engages in a partnering relationship with parents in crisis or host families without necessarily caring for the children. Family friends can also provide a tangible service to help meet the needs of a host family or biological family.
Ready to get involved? Complete the volunteer form to let us know you are interested in learning more.

Join the Crossings Safe Families Facebook page for regular updates.

Serving Our Community

Crossings Mayfair Food Pantry

The Crossings Mayfair Food Pantry exists to strengthen the surrounding community and provide resources for those in need.